1981–1999 Annual Minutes and Reports
Notes taken from Annual Meeting and Secretary’s reports, shown yearly
Name badges mandatory. Large membership means split playings days It was made mandatory to wear name badges. Gilbert Hawley & Ken Hayr proposed a vote of thanks to Jack Binsley for his nine years of service to the Society. During the year due to the large membership the Committee were forced because of numbers allowed on various courses to split playing rights based on surnames. This meant that one day those whose surnames began with A-M played and the next game was only for those with surnames beginning with N-Z. The Winter Tournament at Muriwai was played in fine weather.
Subs up to $4 Membership continued to grow and it was requested that there be no touting for new members. There had been a successful mystery coach trip during the year.
FIRST NEW ZEALAND INTERNATIONAL TOURNAMENT, the COMMITTEE were commended on the job they had done to date. So far they had 50 entries which included 2 from overseas. Member’s subscription was increased to $4.
Officers Elected for 1982
International Vets Tournament held in New Zealand. Membership now at 349, with principal support from Manukau 53, Akarana 49, Howick 39 and Grange 38. Membership closed for six Months. Cash on hand $3,084
The International Veterans Golf Championships which was the first to be held in New Zealand was held in Auckland using Titirangi for Qualifying, Manukau, Muriwai & Grange for Matchplay, with Finals at Auckland. It was a great success for Auckland Vets and New Zealand Veteran Golfers Association. Profit on the event of $6,218.68 was paid to the New Zealand Association by Auckland Vets.
This event is still held annually in New Zealand with overseas visitors and New Zealand golfers competing.
(I do have a two-page report on this event. —G.A.)
Officers Elected for 1983
Membership at 350. Membership stayed high with 350 members and an open waiting list. It was reported that the NZVGA had confirmed that Veteran Society’s responsible for organisation of an International Tournament would receive 20% of any profit. Auckland vets were hoping to receive $1,200 covering the event in 1983. There two trips away the first to Helensville, the second to Hauraki by train, ladies attended.
Due to the death of Mr G Seddon, the President Nominated Mr Ken Carnachan as Patron. This was confirmed by all present.
LIFE MEMBERSHIP was conferred on Messrs C Hyauiason, H Carter and J. Yolland.
Officers Elected for 1984
Membership at 400 - wait list closed. Membership was now 400, closed with a waitlist in operation. Inductions to now be every three months subject space being available. Members were advised that subscriptions were due from the date of the Annual Meeting and if not paid within six months, membership would lapse.
LIFE MEMBERSHIP was conferred on Mr Jack Binsley.
Officers Elected for 1985
Membership at 450. Aviation offers clubrooms for Auckland Vets Home Base. Membership seems to have levelled off at 450. Mention is made that there has been difficulties in keeping Green Fees at what is a reasonable level. Cash on hand $5,545.
The meeting was advised that the Aviation Country Club was offering their Clubrooms and facilities for use as a Home Base. This was welcomed with general approval by members present. Mr Ken Carnachan expressed a wish to stand down as Patron.
Claude Hyauiason advised that he wished to retire as President; he was thanked for his services over the years.
LIFE MEMBERSHIP was conferred on Gilbert Hawley.
Officers Elected for 1986
Entrance and Subs increased to $10 each. Society’s Financial Year End changed to August 31st yearly. Entrance and Subscription charges were both increased to $10, in was mentioned that badges cost $5 so perhaps Entrance Fees may soon have to be further increased. There were discussions about having Honours Boards placed in the Aviation Golf Clubs Clubhouse. I have a list of names that it was suggested should go on these boards but can find no reference to them being completed.
There is again comment regarding members not always wearing their name badges at meetings and golf days. This appears year after year. It is not much different when we move forward to 2010.
LIFE MEMBERSHIP conferred on Wally Knight
Officers Elected for 1987
Whitford dropped, Redwood added. Quadrangular Tournament announced. Further to last year's comments on Green Fees there was regret expressed that the Whitford Park Country Club had been dropped from the programme list. Redwood Park had been added to the list. Even back here the question of slow play was discussed at the Annual Meeting. A new Quadrangular 4-Day Tournament was confirmed to be held in April 1989. This involved games at Pukekohe, Onewhero, Maramarua and Waiuku.
Officers Elected for 1988
Waikere mixed day added. The Tournament announced last year was a great success and will be held again in 1990, however in March rather than April. There will also be an optional mixed day at Waikare.
Mr Ted Smith retired as Secretary after five years and advised he would be succeeded by Stan Mound of the Manukau Club.
LIFE MEMBERSHIP was conferred on Roy Byrd.
Officers Elected for 1989
Summer Tournament rule changes. Early in the year it was proposed that the Summer Tournament have a qualifying on the Monday to provide seeding for the Matchplay which would be in groups of eight. This system was later confirmed. It was confirmed that a handicap of 24 was the limit for the Quadrangular Tournament.
Mrs S Mueller donated a trophy in remembrance of her late husband Syd.
No Secretary’s report available. Cash on hand $12,179
LIFE MEMBERSHIP conferred on Gordon Nicholls.
Officers Elected for 1990
Membership at 320. Once again Slow Play raised its head, no remedy arose. Membership at end of year 320 Financial, 6 Life Members and 120 unfinancial. Even so the cash on hand was $12,357 which included a donation of $500 from Fay Richwhite Ld. It was also stated that Auckland now have an Executive member on the N Z V G A as Junior V, President, (Stan Mound). Cash on hand $12,821
Officers Elected for 1991
Society buys first computer. This was the first year that the Society owned a computer and the Secretary thought it would be a great help in his work. The President announced to the Annual Meeting that it had been decided that the Patron should have a two year term. Mr John Yolland was standing down and Mr Gilbert Hawley had agreed to take his place. It was agreed to change the Balance Date to 31st December. Cash on hand $20,408 a record sum.
LIFE MEMBERSHIP was conferred on Doug Jellard and Ted Smith.
Officers Elected for 1992
Average green fee $8. Stan Mound elected President of NZVGA. The new jerseys introduced by Owen Dumbell, and badge designed by Hugh Phillips have been selling well. The jerseys were made by Laurie Knitwear located in Drury (first badge and company card available).
From a survey carried out in December 1992, it was shown that average Green Fee cost was $8. In February 1993 membership was again closed. Later in the year limited numbers were being accepted. At the November Monthly meeting the President Colin Cliff congratulated the Secretary on his election to the position of President of the New Zealand Veteran Golfers Association, an honour well earned.
Officers Elected for 1993
Papakura GC sponsors Auckland/North Harbour Match. At the Monthly Meeting in April 1994 is was confirmed that the Secretary’s remuneration be increased by $150 to $1,000 PA., plus free entry to all events and free telephone, less own calls. Sponsorship for an Annual Match between Auckland and North Harbour was generously given by Papakura Golf Course. During the year Committee members obtained a number of offers of sponsorship towards various events.
Cash on hand $19,027
Officers Elected for 1994
Committee members get red badges. In February there was discussion over Manukau charging $1,000 for the annual match against the Lady Vets, the previous year the cost was $900. This was the year in which it was decided that Committee badges should be red. It was decided to order more jerseys as all the earlier purchase had been sold. There was a lot of talk on how the 50th anniversary of the Society in 1997 should be celebrated.
Officers Elected for 1995
Subs and Entrance Fees increased to $15.
Once again at a monthly meeting there was discussion of nominating the Secretary for Life Membership. Thanks were expressed to Mr Ray Kean (Keancart Trundlers) who had been supplying a trundler as a prize at the Summer Tournament for some years. As Ray has now sold his company this would not continue. Subscriptions and Entrance Fees were increased to $15 for both. A note in the November 1996 Monthly meeting confirmed The 50th Jubilee would go ahead on March 14th 1997 at the Quality Inn, Campbell Road One Tree Hill. Start time 6.00pm $23.00 per head, free taxi booze and bring your wives (or you’ll be in trouble). You’ll get a fancy pen. Cash on hand $10,189.
Officers Elected for 1996
Jubilee Dinner · One liaison officer resigns over $15 fees. It appears that the Jubilee Dinner was a great success. Owen Dumbell was congratulated at the April Monthly meeting by the Chairman and all present acknowledged, this with acclamation. Owen has supplied papers covering the dinner, names of those attending ans only three are still members, Colin Cliff, Owen Dumbell & Phil Bygrave the last two being Life Members. It is interesting that you could buy a bottle of Nobilo Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc for $28.00 and Brown Brothers Shiraz for $27.00.
The increase in charges to $15 was not so well accepted and one Liaison Officer resigned his position. Cash on Hand $8,981
LIFE MEMBERSHIP was conferred on Stan Mound.
Officers Elected for 1997
Proposal to change ‘Veterans’ to ‘Seniors’ defeated in committee. This is the year Stan Mound finishes his long tenure as Secretary/Treasurer as he said in his report “having done 14 years on Manukau committees and then doing another 8 years Vet Golfers Assoc then to become Pres of NZ Vets it has been a real buzz as they say. Now I expect my golf to improve”.
Twice during the year Stan Mound suggested a name change to Auckland Senior Golfers Society, however the bulk of the Committee were against such a change. It was said that a Notice of Motion for such a change would be proceeded with. This was not put to the Annual Meeting. Cash on hand $7,905.
LIFE MEMBERSHIP was conferred on David Foster
Officers Elected for 1998
More Summer Tournament rule adjustments. This is the first year that the Financial Year is to end 30 November, so only being an eleven month year. This new system of the Financial Year running 1 December to 30 November is at the time of preparing this in 2011 is still the case. During this year the Summer Tournament was split into groups of 16 with the top eight competing for Trophy’s’ and the second eight playing for prizes, qualifying would be played on Monday and then three days of matchplay. Cash on hand $7,268
Officers Elected for 1999
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Notes taken from Annual Meeting and Secretary’s reports, shown yearly
Name badges mandatory. Large membership means split playings days It was made mandatory to wear name badges. Gilbert Hawley & Ken Hayr proposed a vote of thanks to Jack Binsley for his nine years of service to the Society. During the year due to the large membership the Committee were forced because of numbers allowed on various courses to split playing rights based on surnames. This meant that one day those whose surnames began with A-M played and the next game was only for those with surnames beginning with N-Z. The Winter Tournament at Muriwai was played in fine weather.
Subs up to $4 Membership continued to grow and it was requested that there be no touting for new members. There had been a successful mystery coach trip during the year.
FIRST NEW ZEALAND INTERNATIONAL TOURNAMENT, the COMMITTEE were commended on the job they had done to date. So far they had 50 entries which included 2 from overseas. Member’s subscription was increased to $4.
Officers Elected for 1982
- Patron - George Seddon
- President - Hylton Carter
- Captain - Jack Yolland
- Vice Captain - Wally Knight
- Secretary - Roy Bird
International Vets Tournament held in New Zealand. Membership now at 349, with principal support from Manukau 53, Akarana 49, Howick 39 and Grange 38. Membership closed for six Months. Cash on hand $3,084
The International Veterans Golf Championships which was the first to be held in New Zealand was held in Auckland using Titirangi for Qualifying, Manukau, Muriwai & Grange for Matchplay, with Finals at Auckland. It was a great success for Auckland Vets and New Zealand Veteran Golfers Association. Profit on the event of $6,218.68 was paid to the New Zealand Association by Auckland Vets.
This event is still held annually in New Zealand with overseas visitors and New Zealand golfers competing.
(I do have a two-page report on this event. —G.A.)
Officers Elected for 1983
- Patron - George Seddon
- President - John Yolland
- Captain - Wally Knight
- Secretary = Roy Bird
Membership at 350. Membership stayed high with 350 members and an open waiting list. It was reported that the NZVGA had confirmed that Veteran Society’s responsible for organisation of an International Tournament would receive 20% of any profit. Auckland vets were hoping to receive $1,200 covering the event in 1983. There two trips away the first to Helensville, the second to Hauraki by train, ladies attended.
Due to the death of Mr G Seddon, the President Nominated Mr Ken Carnachan as Patron. This was confirmed by all present.
LIFE MEMBERSHIP was conferred on Messrs C Hyauiason, H Carter and J. Yolland.
Officers Elected for 1984
- Patron - George Seddon
- President - Wally Knight
- Captain - Sandy Sanders
- Vice Captain - Gordon Nicholls
- Secretary - Roy Bird
Membership at 400 - wait list closed. Membership was now 400, closed with a waitlist in operation. Inductions to now be every three months subject space being available. Members were advised that subscriptions were due from the date of the Annual Meeting and if not paid within six months, membership would lapse.
LIFE MEMBERSHIP was conferred on Mr Jack Binsley.
Officers Elected for 1985
- Patron - Mr Ken Carnachan
- President - Sandy Sanders
- Captain - Gordon Nicholls
- Secretary - Roy Bird (to January) then Ted Smith
Membership at 450. Aviation offers clubrooms for Auckland Vets Home Base. Membership seems to have levelled off at 450. Mention is made that there has been difficulties in keeping Green Fees at what is a reasonable level. Cash on hand $5,545.
The meeting was advised that the Aviation Country Club was offering their Clubrooms and facilities for use as a Home Base. This was welcomed with general approval by members present. Mr Ken Carnachan expressed a wish to stand down as Patron.
Claude Hyauiason advised that he wished to retire as President; he was thanked for his services over the years.
LIFE MEMBERSHIP was conferred on Gilbert Hawley.
Officers Elected for 1986
- Patron - Ken Carnachan
- President - Gordon Nicholls
- Captain - Ron Thomas
- Secretary - Ted Smith
Entrance and Subs increased to $10 each. Society’s Financial Year End changed to August 31st yearly. Entrance and Subscription charges were both increased to $10, in was mentioned that badges cost $5 so perhaps Entrance Fees may soon have to be further increased. There were discussions about having Honours Boards placed in the Aviation Golf Clubs Clubhouse. I have a list of names that it was suggested should go on these boards but can find no reference to them being completed.
There is again comment regarding members not always wearing their name badges at meetings and golf days. This appears year after year. It is not much different when we move forward to 2010.
LIFE MEMBERSHIP conferred on Wally Knight
Officers Elected for 1987
- Patron - Jack Yolland
- President - Ron Thomas
- Captain - Roy Bird
- Secretary - Ted Smith
Whitford dropped, Redwood added. Quadrangular Tournament announced. Further to last year's comments on Green Fees there was regret expressed that the Whitford Park Country Club had been dropped from the programme list. Redwood Park had been added to the list. Even back here the question of slow play was discussed at the Annual Meeting. A new Quadrangular 4-Day Tournament was confirmed to be held in April 1989. This involved games at Pukekohe, Onewhero, Maramarua and Waiuku.
Officers Elected for 1988
- Patron - Jack Yolland
- President - Ron Thomas
- Captain - Roy Bird
- Secretary - Ted Smith
Waikere mixed day added. The Tournament announced last year was a great success and will be held again in 1990, however in March rather than April. There will also be an optional mixed day at Waikare.
Mr Ted Smith retired as Secretary after five years and advised he would be succeeded by Stan Mound of the Manukau Club.
LIFE MEMBERSHIP was conferred on Roy Byrd.
Officers Elected for 1989
- Patron - Jack Yolland
- President - Doug Jellard
- Captain - George Southam
- Secretary - Ted Smith
Summer Tournament rule changes. Early in the year it was proposed that the Summer Tournament have a qualifying on the Monday to provide seeding for the Matchplay which would be in groups of eight. This system was later confirmed. It was confirmed that a handicap of 24 was the limit for the Quadrangular Tournament.
Mrs S Mueller donated a trophy in remembrance of her late husband Syd.
No Secretary’s report available. Cash on hand $12,179
LIFE MEMBERSHIP conferred on Gordon Nicholls.
Officers Elected for 1990
- Patron - Jack Yolland
- President - George Southam
- Captain - Colin Paul
- Secretary - Stan Mound
Membership at 320. Once again Slow Play raised its head, no remedy arose. Membership at end of year 320 Financial, 6 Life Members and 120 unfinancial. Even so the cash on hand was $12,357 which included a donation of $500 from Fay Richwhite Ld. It was also stated that Auckland now have an Executive member on the N Z V G A as Junior V, President, (Stan Mound). Cash on hand $12,821
Officers Elected for 1991
- Patron - John Yolland
- President - Colin Paul
- Captain - Ted Smith
- Secretary - Stan Mound
Society buys first computer. This was the first year that the Society owned a computer and the Secretary thought it would be a great help in his work. The President announced to the Annual Meeting that it had been decided that the Patron should have a two year term. Mr John Yolland was standing down and Mr Gilbert Hawley had agreed to take his place. It was agreed to change the Balance Date to 31st December. Cash on hand $20,408 a record sum.
LIFE MEMBERSHIP was conferred on Doug Jellard and Ted Smith.
Officers Elected for 1992
- Patron - John Yolland
- President - Ted Smith
- Captain - Graham Williams
- Secretary - Stan Mound
Average green fee $8. Stan Mound elected President of NZVGA. The new jerseys introduced by Owen Dumbell, and badge designed by Hugh Phillips have been selling well. The jerseys were made by Laurie Knitwear located in Drury (first badge and company card available).
From a survey carried out in December 1992, it was shown that average Green Fee cost was $8. In February 1993 membership was again closed. Later in the year limited numbers were being accepted. At the November Monthly meeting the President Colin Cliff congratulated the Secretary on his election to the position of President of the New Zealand Veteran Golfers Association, an honour well earned.
Officers Elected for 1993
- Patron - Gilbert Hawley
- President - Graham Williams
- Captain - Colin Cliff
- Secretary - Stan Mound
Papakura GC sponsors Auckland/North Harbour Match. At the Monthly Meeting in April 1994 is was confirmed that the Secretary’s remuneration be increased by $150 to $1,000 PA., plus free entry to all events and free telephone, less own calls. Sponsorship for an Annual Match between Auckland and North Harbour was generously given by Papakura Golf Course. During the year Committee members obtained a number of offers of sponsorship towards various events.
Cash on hand $19,027
Officers Elected for 1994
- Patron - Gilbert Hawley
- President - Colin Cliff
- Captain - David Foster
- Secretary - Stan Mound
Committee members get red badges. In February there was discussion over Manukau charging $1,000 for the annual match against the Lady Vets, the previous year the cost was $900. This was the year in which it was decided that Committee badges should be red. It was decided to order more jerseys as all the earlier purchase had been sold. There was a lot of talk on how the 50th anniversary of the Society in 1997 should be celebrated.
Officers Elected for 1995
- Patron - Gilbert Hawley
- President - David Foster
- Captain - Owen Dumbell
- Secretary - Stan Mound
Subs and Entrance Fees increased to $15.
Once again at a monthly meeting there was discussion of nominating the Secretary for Life Membership. Thanks were expressed to Mr Ray Kean (Keancart Trundlers) who had been supplying a trundler as a prize at the Summer Tournament for some years. As Ray has now sold his company this would not continue. Subscriptions and Entrance Fees were increased to $15 for both. A note in the November 1996 Monthly meeting confirmed The 50th Jubilee would go ahead on March 14th 1997 at the Quality Inn, Campbell Road One Tree Hill. Start time 6.00pm $23.00 per head, free taxi booze and bring your wives (or you’ll be in trouble). You’ll get a fancy pen. Cash on hand $10,189.
Officers Elected for 1996
- Patron - Gilbert Hawley (Agreed to stay for another year.).
- President - Owen Dumbell
- Captain -Pat Naden
- Secretary - Stan Mound
Jubilee Dinner · One liaison officer resigns over $15 fees. It appears that the Jubilee Dinner was a great success. Owen Dumbell was congratulated at the April Monthly meeting by the Chairman and all present acknowledged, this with acclamation. Owen has supplied papers covering the dinner, names of those attending ans only three are still members, Colin Cliff, Owen Dumbell & Phil Bygrave the last two being Life Members. It is interesting that you could buy a bottle of Nobilo Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc for $28.00 and Brown Brothers Shiraz for $27.00.
The increase in charges to $15 was not so well accepted and one Liaison Officer resigned his position. Cash on Hand $8,981
LIFE MEMBERSHIP was conferred on Stan Mound.
Officers Elected for 1997
- President - Owen Dumbell
- Captain - Pat Naden
- Secretary - Stan Mound
Proposal to change ‘Veterans’ to ‘Seniors’ defeated in committee. This is the year Stan Mound finishes his long tenure as Secretary/Treasurer as he said in his report “having done 14 years on Manukau committees and then doing another 8 years Vet Golfers Assoc then to become Pres of NZ Vets it has been a real buzz as they say. Now I expect my golf to improve”.
Twice during the year Stan Mound suggested a name change to Auckland Senior Golfers Society, however the bulk of the Committee were against such a change. It was said that a Notice of Motion for such a change would be proceeded with. This was not put to the Annual Meeting. Cash on hand $7,905.
LIFE MEMBERSHIP was conferred on David Foster
Officers Elected for 1998
- Patron - Wally Knight
- President - Pat Naden
- Captain - Roy Beattie
- Secretary - Stan Mound
More Summer Tournament rule adjustments. This is the first year that the Financial Year is to end 30 November, so only being an eleven month year. This new system of the Financial Year running 1 December to 30 November is at the time of preparing this in 2011 is still the case. During this year the Summer Tournament was split into groups of 16 with the top eight competing for Trophy’s’ and the second eight playing for prizes, qualifying would be played on Monday and then three days of matchplay. Cash on hand $7,268
Officers Elected for 1999
- Patron - George Southam
- President - Roy Beattie
- Captain - Bluey White
- Secretary - Phil Bygrave
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