Membership at 282
Summer Tournament flyers & entry forms emailed where possible. During the year we lost both our Patron-David Foster and Past President-Arthur Orton both members who between them gave years of service to the Society, they will missed by all.
Regarding wet weather it was again stated that we do not cancel any games, our policy remains if the course is open we will play. It was agreed to charge $40 for the Xmas game at Maramarua and $80 for the four day tournament. The Secretary advised that all AVGS members on email would receive a flyer and entry form for the four day tournament as would all those players that belonged to other Associations. Our members and others not on email will receive the flyer and entry form by mail. Both forms would also appear on our website.
At the Annual Meeting it was agreed to hold the daily charge at $15, the meeting was advised that for the following year the daily charge would remain the same. However the Entrance Fee and Subscription would both probably increase by $10 thereby sharing the increase cost over all members.
Membership was 282 excluding non paying members. Cash on hand $9,571
Officers Elected for 2011
- Patron - David Foster
- President - John Hume.
- Captain - Maurice Turley
- Secretary - Graham Arnold
Membership at 270.
The first day of the season was again held at Maramarua Golf Club with a shotgun start at 9.00am, with a field of over 100 players, followed by very hearty lunch and prize giving. This was enjoyed by all.
As mentioned at the end of 2010 the Entrance Fee and Annual Subscription were increased by $10 each to $30 and $20 respectively.
During the year the payment to the Secretary for his telephone account now covered all costs except his own personal tolls. The Captain advised the last agreed payment to an earlier Secretary, Stan Mound, was $1,000 and he wondered what this would be in today’s money.
The Secretary advised he was still working on the history of the Society and that Owen Dumbell Life Member had supplied more information that will be included in the finished article.
Green Fees during this season charged by clubs remained unchanged, and it was agreed to increase charges to our members next year to $20 on city courses and only charge members playing on their own course $10.
Slow Play and Shotgun Starts were both discussed during the year with little coming out of the talks other than to remind players regarding slow play and only Whitford helping with shotgun starts.
Membership was 270 excluding non paying members. Cash on hand $6,766.
List of all our current trophies
It is interesting that we still play for many trophy’s that carry members' names:
- Championship Cup - Donated by Mr W F Wilkinson
- Fred Alpe Memorial Cup - Donated by Mr A M Scales
- Diehards Salver - Donated by Mr R A Elliott
- Octovets PowaKaddy Cup - Donated by PowaKaddy Ltd
- Veterans Cup - Donated by Mr G L Taylor
- Wiseman Memorial Cup - Donated by Mr F K Wiseman
- Greager Cup - Donated by Mr N V Greager
- Captains Shield - Donated by Mr C R Hyauiason
- Senior Championship Cup - Donated by Mr W J Strevens
- Intermediate Champion Salver - Donated by Mr R L Bird
- Noel Hayden Trophy - Donor Noel Hayden
- C Grade Championship Salver - Donated by Mr C J Cliff
- Arthur Sharpe Trophy - Donor unknown first played for 1968
- Syd Mueller Memorial Salver — Donated By Mrs Mueller
- Waiuku Cup - Donated by Ces Yorke
- Ted Smith Memorial Salver - Donor HIS DAUGHTER?
- Onewhero Trophy - Donated by Onewhero Golf Club
- Winter Cup - Donated by Mr R B Carr
- Arthur Sharpe Cup - Donated by Mr G T Pearce
- Claude Hyauiason Cup - Donor unknown first played for 1984
- Men & Womens Combined Trophy - Donated by Clarrie Thorpe
- Fred Crawshaw Trophy - Donor Unknown first played for 1982
- Battle of the Bridge Trophy - Donated by Papakura Golf Club
- Muriwai Cup - Donated by Mr E S Watson
- Bob Carr Trophy - Donated by Mr R B Carr
- Tomio Inagaki Trophy - Donated by Mt T Inagaki
Officers elected for 2012
- Patron - John Hume
- President - Maurice Turley
- Captain - Ken McKinley
- Secretary - Graham Arnold
Membership at 259
Once again we started our season with a Shotgun Start at Maramarua Golf Club, everything ran smoothly for another great day.
We were advised that the National Association would be changing from Veteran to Senior sometime in the future. When this happens we will have to look at changing our name.
The Golf Controller at Formosa informed a number of our members that he would like to host us, this offer to be taken up next year. Pat Yaxley advised he was moving to Stanmore Bay and he was thanked for his efforts whilst he was on the Committee. Terry Williams agreed to take Pats place as a Committee Member.
There was discussion over buying golf balls from Golf Warehouse while they selling Srixon at a discounted price. It was also decided to look at clubs we now play at to see if some of the further away clubs should be used.
Due to being unable to obtain a grant it was decided to purchase a new computer from our own funds.
Unfortunately an error was made when we registered a player under the minimum age of 55 years, this meant that the Secretary had to advise the player that he could not remain a member therefore his Entrance Fee and Subscription was returned. One against the Secretary, the first time in 10 years.
During the year one of our earlier Secretaries, Phil Bygrave passed away.
Membership was 259 excluding non paying members. Cash on hand $11,940
Officers elected for 2013
- Patron - John Hume
- President - Maurice Turley
- Captain - Ken McKinley
- Vice Captain - Mike Joblin
- Secretary/Treasurer - Graham Arnold
Name changes in December to Auckland Senior Golfers Society
As usual it was off to Maramarua Golf Club to start our new season. It was a very fine day and all seemed to enjoy the golf and food.
At the Annual Meeting held in February, Life Membership was conferred on Brian Grigg and Maurice Turley.
This meeting was advised of the name change that might occur and agreed that the Committee could decide this later in the year. There was talk about perhaps playing Clean and Place when courses were extra dry during summer, it was decided to take a wait and see outlook on this. It was decided that whenever possible no more than two Committee Members should play in the same four.
It was agreed that for the next season we would lower the Subscription to $10 and players on their own course would only pay $5, this to be ratified at our next Annual Meeting.
Officers elected for 2014
- Patron - John Hume
- President - Ken McKinley
- Captain - Ross Luke
- Vice Captain - Mike Joblin
- Secretary/Treasurer - Graham Arnold
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